Who We Are

As two-year single missionaries serving in Berlin, we participated in the final stages of the Mission to the World (MTW) team’s work with a church plant in the former East Berlin. We finished our terms with the feeling that we weren’t yet done with Berlin.

In 2010, we got married as Ben started at Redeemer Seminary in Dallas with a view to returning as a couple to church-planting work in Germany. Two years later, the Lord opened the door for us to rejoin MTW as long-term missionaries with an invitation back to Berlin, where we served from 2014 to 2017. From 2018 to 2022, we served in the Freie evangelische Gemeinde (Free Evangelical Church) of East Munich as well as the Munich study center of Martin Bucer Seminary. We hope to continue to serve Munich long-term in church planting, theological education, and missionary development.