A Vision for Munich

The City

The Frauenkirche, the most recognizable part of Munich’s skyline

Although it is the capital of a historically staunchly Roman Catholic region, Munich itself is a decidedly secular city, with more residents identifying as religiously unaffiliated than with any faith. Of some 1.5 million residents, probably fewer than 15,000 attend an evangelical church of any kind.

Munich is an influential and attractive world-class city, with the highest quality of life in Germany, a booming economy driven by publishing, engineering, and biotech, and two elite universities. It’s highly diverse, with more non-ethnic-German residents per capita than either of the other two largest German cities (Berlin and Hamburg).

Our Vision

We pray for and work toward a future in which Munich is a sending center for gospel workers trained in the Scriptures and equipped to gather, serve, and lead healthy churches throughout German-speaking Europe. Our growing team is pursuing this vision through three different but related areas of ministry: church planting, theological education, and missionary development.

Church Planting

We served as church workers in the Free Evangelical Church of East Munich (FeG-MO) from 2018 to 2022 and saw it grow and develop into a vibrant congregation with a permanent ministry space from which to reach out to a drastically under-churched section of the city. In partnership with the FeG-MO’s mother church in central Munich, our teammates have also served a newer church plant in the far west of the city, and we plan to continue to be involved in growing healthy new churches in and around Munich through this fruitful partnership.

Theological Education

Martin Bucer Seminary provides a flexible and affordable way for men and women throughout Germany and beyond to pursue biblically faithful theological education in the tradition of the Reformation. The Munich study center of MBS serves 40-50 students from southern Germany and Austria who desire to serve the Church with their gifts and learning. Our church planting partner, the Free Evangelical Church of Central Munich, also runs a pastoral trainee program designed to equip young men personally and practically for church planting and leadership. Through teaching, mentoring, and administration in these ministries, we hope to help shape the newest generation of German evangelical leaders in sound doctrine and godly character.

Missionary Development

The newest aspect of our work in Munich is what we call an “incubator” program for new American missionaries from our sending agency. We’ve found that German church plants can be encouraged and strengthened tremendously by missionaries who can speak the language, take on a variety of responsibilities, and work with their national partners as servants who are there to support and facilitate rather than run the show. New cross-cultural workers, however, need time and support to develop – and this is what we seek to provide in Munich. First-term missionaries can join our team, get help and guidance through the early days of adjustment and language learning, and gain ministry experience in a German context through supervised internships with our national partners. Lord willing, many of these men and women will go on to serve in other parts of Germany or even in Austria or Switzerland and be an immediate blessing wherever God sends them.